I got a CNC!

Well - a little one.

In the never ending quest to learn new things and increase my home manufacturing capabilities I picked up a little desktop CNC. I've spent the past few weeks learning my way around G-code, breaking end mills, troubleshooting weird quirks and cursing at the thing, but I finally reached my first goalpost: a custom engraved aluminum front panel. Tons of ideas in my head & looking forward to experimenting with this thing further. This one will be on the next video synthesizer.

To be more specific here, it's a 3018 ProVer which is made by Sainsmart which, yes, can engrave aluminum with some effort. And this wasn't soft aluminum either. Just took a bit of effort and patience in testing different bits, speeds & feeds to get the desired result. This one was done by painting & clear-coating the panel and then engraving the paint away. A manual height map was made as well. I had done an automatic probed height map before painting it, but the panel warped during the process of getting the component holes drilled out.